Thursday, July 30, 2015

I think we'll call it Four.

Well Thomas and I got lucky again. I was 4 weeks and decided to call it "Four". Four weeks along, 4th attempt at pregnancy, and in reference to Thomas's favorite movie, Divergent, hahaha, we want our baby to possess all the good qualities, so Four it was.

Then 5 weeks comes and I go visit my family in Vegas. I tell my mom I can't take Zyrtec and stay around her animals because we have a "Spot" and I show her the ultrasound.(Doctor wanted to know first thing when we got preggers again so the ultra sound showed a spot for where things are going to take place. Well things are normal in Vegas, I surprise my mom, sister, Brother in law and some of my besties going on 10 years! Well I was looking forward to coming to Vegas to go to Traders Joes for their "natural" oreos and their personal Greek salads. We got to my parents and I excitedly open my salad after swimming and starving, mix everything around and take a bite.......the lettuce tasted rotten!!! Imagine the most unpalatable thing you've ever had...yea...I took another bite just to make sure. YUCK! It was again rotten. I taste my mom's and again it was rotten! Then Andrea takes a bite of my salad and gets this apologetic smile on her face and says, "Sorry, Dana the salad tastes just fine." MY TASTEBUDS!!!!! So far that's the only thing that has tasted bad. I was sooo sad because I was looking forward to that salad so much. Pooh.

6 weeks......Hello nightly potty breaks, morning sickness, and "womb service". I have to eat according to what the baby wants, when it wants, or ELSE. I had to put out an request for someone to run me an errand for cheese pizza. The other day I wanted a sandwich with salami, lettuce, mayo and mustard. Pickles are a normal. Going into my own kitchen and looking at my own pantry makes me nauseous. We take it as a sign that something is actually happening due to these symptoms so this time because I've been playing it safe being bed ridden.

7 weeks....Morning sickness is a tameable beast me thinks! If I have rice for breakfast, protein for lunch, bread something for a snack, and protein for dinner then the most I experience is an occasional gag reflex. Burpring has been become a constant unlady like, thought fortunately Thomas laughs at them because they're so good. Around 830 at night I also have a hard time breathing. I determined though that spearmint gum is a life saver. Keeps the tummy calm and the burps down. Nightly potty breaks are becoming rare, but I can over exert myself easily. Just the other day I folded laundry and that wiped me out haha.

8 weeks...our first ultrasound is around the corner and I'm trying to be calm. We go to bed the night before and .....neither of us gets much sleep. I have dreams of every possible outcome the doctors can say. I even saw its face but anytime I asked about a heart beat I was left for naught.
So we arrive at the doctors office and the entire office seems to be just as anxious for us a we are because they all know our history. We wait for the ultrasound tech and I'm praying my heart out that all is well and there's a heart beat. She begins in the ultrasound and YAYYYYYY!!!! There's a little body and a HEARTBEAT!!! 186 apparently is nice and strong. I cried. Best part was I was measuring at 9. I skipped a week! YEA!!!

I drove over to my mom in laws and I showed her the picture and we cried and hugged each other.
Cantaloupe is a good go-to. Sweets at night. But protein pretty much takes the cake still. I've only thrown up once in the last week, and energy is good as long as I keep it low key.
I'm amazed at how everything from the bikini line to the collar bone expands. And here I was thinking it was just the belly that got bigger. WRong!

10 weeks...just as I felt like I was on the upswing from morning sickness...I get the flu. Best way to be woken up at midnight for sure haha. It was even funnier because around 3 I weakly tried nudging Thomas awake to give me a blessing. I was using what I felt was brute strength and if you remember that scene from Night at the Museum when they deflate the tire and to them it was a tornado and to us it was nothing...yea pretty much the same thing. When I got him up though he didn't question me because apparently I looked like death.  Anyway, morning came and my mom-in-law came over and spent the whole day with me, cooking, cleaning, cleaning, laundering....that woman is a saint.

11 weeks...tiredness was the big issue. Still not being able to eat a lot of different things and I can also outburp anyone.

12 weeks...Thomas gradiated college and after the first ceremony that's when together we told his grandparents with the ultrasound picture. We said we had some news for them and I pulled out the picture. When they realized what it was they both squealed, got teary-eyed, and I got teary-eyed, and then we all hugged some more. Pure. Awesome. After that my body came off the adrenaline and I got really tired.  On that notes, it's so weird Thomas doesn't have hw anymore. A good weird, but nonetheless.
Went in for my 12 week appt, still a bit apprehensive just because 3 miscarriages will do that to you. turns out they have a small hand held machine that just listens for heart beats. Baby was beating at a good strong 163. Miscarriage risk goes down significantly, and they told me that on Sunday I would be 13 weeks. I feel like I skip a week each appt. Fine by me. We are cautiously stoked. :D