Thursday, May 26, 2016

Stay at home mom starting tomorrowish

Tomorrow is my last day of work for at least a very very very very long time. It's my last day as a high school art teacher and at around 1 pm I will officially start the new job title of Stay at home mom.

My plans are to live life to the fullest and show Lucy all this world has to offer.

This brings me to the part of the Relief Society motto I want to make my theme: "We are beloved spirit daughters of God and our lives have meaning, purpose, and direction."

Too often I heard the accusation growing up about stay at home moms "What does she do all day?" Well as my mom in law is a stay at home mom, she is one of the busiest women I know. She is there when people need service. She is the first responder when Thomas and I need a quick sitter for Lucy. She keeps her home a place where people love to congregate and stay, often at the sacrifice of personal comfort. She also studies the gospel more than any person I know. She is the epitome of living her life with meaning, purpose, and direction as it always seems directed toward serving others and beautifying her environment in a practical way.

I made 3 simple goals on sunday during sacrament meeting.
1) Delete facebook from my phone, keep messenger so people could reach me, and only check it once a day and post paintings and pics....aka...limit my facebook time immensely!

2) Read from physical books.

3) One exercise a day, whether that be simply walking, stretches, or what not.

I found myself this week naturally doing these things. I quit using fb as much and all the sudden I had things to do in its place.

This didn't happen over night. It took weeks of thought and prayer telling Heavenly Father that I knew I was addicted to fb and I knew this world had so much amazingness to offer that I needed help in getting there. I picked goals that were simple, attainable, and did not have a time frame. They also require simple actions.

I'm not a perfectionist, but I plan to make sure my home is clean...actually clean with cleaner. Bed made. Food made and trying new recipes and making clothes and essentially just always trying to better myself.

Above all else I want to dedicate myself to Lucy. I've become a fairly selfish human being and I want to be more selfless. Now that I have a child that took 4 years to get, my biggest goal and a little more abstract to follow...never take her for granted. The thing I can make a goal for is quickly repenting when I get frustrated with her.

I'm not perfect, but this is how I'm using the Atonement to help me as best I understand it. Channeling that enabling power to become who I know is best for Lucy and her future siblings and Thomas, the best thing to come into my life and asked me to stay in his.

I've coined a new phrase. "Familyist". I'm interested in what makes the family better and fighting for its rights. Because in the end we are all about family or we are nothing at all.