Sunday, June 5, 2016

Colds, sunburns, sins, and choices.

I had an ahaha moment that applies to two things we can suffer from in this world...colds and sunburns. In both cases as soon as we have them we want them GONE as quick as we got them.

We should view ours sins the same way. We should eagerly run to the Savior to be cleansed from our weaknesses and shortcomings.

Instead, I've noticed the trend today is, "I was born this way, I can't change." We would never say that about a cold or a sunburn. We would never let the cold or sunburn own us and hang onto it for dear life.

In conjunction with these thoughts they piggy back President Monson's last talk in conference that history turns on small hinges, being choices.

I've had recent experience that when we make a choice to do something different, our lives change. Good choices lead to good habits, bad choices lead to enslavement.

I made it a goal two weeks ago to delete fb off my phone and for the most part, I've done decent with it. The times I slipped was when I chose to put it back on my phone and it sucked my time away. When I didn't have it on my phone I found myself doing other things that made me feel more productive. I been strongly tempted to go back to a phone that only receives calls and texts, except I like my notes app and being able to reference pinterest at the store.

I also made it a goal to do a daily exercise. I'm surprised how easily this one has happened because I hate exercise, but it's actually getting easier.

I'm also reading physical books, and it's helping me break free from constant technology which is stealing our attention.

If we do something, it will happen. If we don't, nothing changes.

I also made it a goal when I'm sitting and need to get something from across the room, I used to think, "I don't want to get up and get it ALLLL the way over there." Now I just get up and I'm not surprisingly more active. It would drive me nuts when my students needed something and wouldn't get up and get it because it required effort...I noticed they became MORE sluggish and those that just got up were happier, more productive, and furthered their talents. The mindset and actions are totally interconnected. 

Not having success at something in your life? Make the physical changes that aren't happening. Otherwise, stay a prisoner.

Once you sin, eagerly run to have it cleansed. Don't hold onto it. It will change you from the master to a slave.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This reminds me of my Candy Crush phase haha! I'm finally deleted it off my phone and iPad because I was feeling so trapped by something so silly and as soon as I did I didn't miss it! you're tempting me to delete Facebook off my phone too *summoning courage* haha!

  3. This reminds me of my Candy Crush phase haha! I'm finally deleted it off my phone and iPad because I was feeling so trapped by something so silly and as soon as I did I didn't miss it! you're tempting me to delete Facebook off my phone too *summoning courage* haha!
