Saturday, June 23, 2018

Facebook doesn't get to steal my thunder

After President Nelson issued the youth a challenge to take a week long fast from social media, it gave me a perfect time to do the same since I was getting irritated with the slander that facebook has turned into. My other beef with fb is that while I was excited to share the fun moments of little miss with people, it started to steal my thunder when telling stories about what was going on in life. People would ask," How've you been?" I would tell them and then they'd say, "oh yea, I saw that on fb!" Well then what becomes the point of asking, or face to face interaction? So I have been using fb as a way to put my art out there, but even minimally because then people can just see it and don't buy it. I've also used it to put announcements up or get recommendations. I still want to share what's going on with us and perhaps you might wonder how a blog is different that fb stealing thunder. Well in a way I guess it isn't, but I felt strongly I needed to still keep track of her growing moments.

We went to the aerospace museum on Hill Air Force Base and Lucy is just like her Papa in the way she loves air planes. It's a massive museum with military planes outside as well as two massive hangers full of planes from different wars.

 this girl loves buckles.

 the model home porch of the Saving Private Ryan story.

 If you can't tell, Lucy is standing in front of the front wheels...this thing was huge!

Last weekend I participated in West Fest with a friend of mine and we tried selling our talents, painting, and crotched toys and sewn project bags. It was an exhausting weekend that produced very little but now we know we'll stick to selling online and word of mouth. Lucy got to try a carnival ride so that was fun, but it was 3 days of eating out and I got sick from all the hubbub.

So after that I was determined to cook at home every night and everything was pretty good! Last night we made two ingredient pizza dough using self rising flour and greek yogurt for a pepperoni pizza and it was actually really good! We had homemade chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

I also made homemade ice cream and threw in some homegrown raspberries that were already here when we bought the house.

I'm nearly 30 weeks with little Tommy and he is quite a yogi with a sweet tooth. I don't remember being this tired with Lucy but I also didn't have Lucy around the last time.

Food wise, Lucy loves olives, tomatoes, trail mix, yogurt, pancakes or waffles, bacon, cheese, asparagus. She is allergic to raspberries and cantaloupe and they cause her to break out.

She sleeps with a pillow on top of her that she sticks her hands into and sticks her tongue out a tiny bit and sucks on it.

She's got the memory of an elephant and she's like her aunt Andrea when it comes to telling you where to find hidden things. She can count to 6 and then she jumbles the last few, knows her colors, and remembers people and events like none other.

She likes to interrupt and say," Daddy, don't talk to mommy" then which Thomas asks if he can talk to himself, which she oks, then proceeds with his story.

We have a bunny a few houses down that we feed a carrot to every morning on our walk that we call Thumper.  She's got all the houses memorized in our neighborhood and is so spacial-wise that when we are a block away from the Salt lake temple she says," Jesus lives there!" and let's go to dinos! which is an in door play around across the street from the temple in City Creek mall.

She loves nursery, primary songs, and reading scriptures. She loves to read and when we read a book to her once she can pretty much tell the story after that.

She loves to help turn the water on when we water the lawn or garden and after warming up to it likes to play in the water. If daddy is there she'll full flegde  play in the water but otherwise she's a chicken lol.

She obsessed with buckles and buckling them, especially in baby brother's car seat.

Thomas and I went to the Music Man at the new Hale theather in Sandy. If you want something fun to do go to one of their shows. They are awesome and fairly priced!

Ryan and his friend Kristen came and helped put baseboards in our house and did an awesome job. It was hectic and Lucy got like no naps and was teething with 2 yr molars, but all part of the fun haha.

I also got released months ago from Young Women president and am now a primary teacher...a calling I feel much more natural at. Thomas got put in as the Elders quorum president. Either way  Lucy is used to one of us going to meetings lol.

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