Tuesday, January 24, 2023

So, I got pregnant yesterday and now I'm a Princess.

 The long awaited day arrived. ****Discretion is advised, a little tmi ahead.****

Kids were at play dates or school, I went and hung out with my grandma Margaret for the hour before meeting up with Thomas and the intended parents for lunch. I was honestly more nervous about that part than the procedure because I wasn't sure what to say to them. But it turned out just fine.

Silly hormones. I saw them in the parking lot and got a little teary-eyed and then like Mei Mei in Turning Red I pulled myself together so when they walked in the door I was fine. Haha although when they did walk through the door I kept my back to them cuz I was silly and nervous...a normal response would have been to greet them...which I did about 30 seconds later. Lunch was fun and we got to talk about a lot of things including kids, history, and possibility of another after this if all goes well.

The center told me pre-op that I needed to have a partially full bladder..how do you measure that? So I drank a full lemonade. When I got there I popped the Valium pill they prescribed me and like Jane in Marry Poppins asked, "Is something supposed to happen?" because I thought it was going to make me high as a hippie. Fortunately, it stuck to it's word and just relaxed me. Good thing too cuz when I was getting the bladder ultrasound, the tech had to push on my stomach and I full fledge Pillsbury dough boy cuz I'm ticklish. She did manage to get a good enough picture to know my bladder wasn't full enough. So I drank 2 mini water bottles and water logged myself. I got to sit and chat with the mom which was nice. Her hubby ran my hubby up to the house to drop off his car so we'd just have mine to drive him after. 

Dr. came in alone with Thomas and the ultrasound tech checked my bladder again and noticed I wasn't ticklish anymore, so the Valium was working. Haha didn't even notice. I was totally conscious but didn't feel the gliding of the wand on my stomach. Everyone should take Valium every once in a while. It's good stuff!

To be honest it's the most public but discreet impregnation there is. I was covered from the view of Thomas and the mom, but the dr and the three nurses could see everything.

The process itself was pretty cool. Since all I saw was an ultrasound picture, they showed a circle with a pencil dot and said," That's the embryo."    .       <----   That's as big as it was yesterday. Maybe it's this big (    ..) today haha.So He used a snake like wand to grab it like a slurp motion, then on the ultrasound screen I saw my uterus which was just a bunch of greyish white. Then there was the skinny tube with the embryo on the end that snakes from the left bottom, up, then took a right turn and Blip. Implantation! Didn't hurt or feel a thing. Again..valium, baby!...well, eventually haha.

Got dressed, drove home, and apart from eating or showering...I'm now on Princess duty.

Princess days last Tuesday(today) and Wednesday. I basically lounge around and chill so that the embryo takes. So here I lay in bed with my crown on, chilling. Wish me sticky thoughts!

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