Sunday, May 28, 2023

A day with a Spiritual High

 As I'd mentioned in my recent post about the temple, I was growing weary of the temple being common place for me instead of the sanctuary it's dedicated to be. So I tried to go hungry, spiritually. I had an impression the night before to look for family members that needed work done, specifically baptisms. I found 4 women. Instead of printing them out, I was lazy and decided to take my phone to the temple and have them do it there. First of all, I headed to Mt. Timpanogos temple. The night before I tried to book the appointment. The whole day was "full". I thought that was weird. Backing up. That morning I had text my friend Kirsten about how excited I was for her that her RM son was coming home that day and I wished I could be a fly on the wall because homecomings are so special. She invited me to be there if I could and even thought my recording the event on her phone would be helpful. So I planned to show up around noon...back to the temple...Low and behold, I showed up at Timp and it was closed. So I figured, I'll just try and sneak in at the Provo City Center temple. Sure enough, they were happy to take me because at that moment, it wasn't busy. So after I got my clothing, I pulled out my phone and tried to pull up the number for them to print off, but because it was in the basement of the temple, reception is a little dodgy. Fine by me usually, I hate using my phone at the temple, and usually leave it in the car. After a minute, I got it pulled up, got my names printed, and went and got dressed. A normal, peaceful smile that accompanies when I do baptisms was there. I headed to the chapel and no sooner did I sit down, a worker came in and asked if anyone spoke Spanish. I said I did. They said to come because they needed help translating.

I met an elderly Hermana Gonzalez. I met her on the front desk and began translating. I felt a little nervous because I don't get much chance to use my Spanish much anymore, but fortunately it came back well enough. She told me she had her aunt's name with her and had until a certain time to do what she could before she had to be back outside. I explained it to the front desk people and they were happy to accommodate even without an appointment, and they planned out on her name card what she could do that day. We went together to the clothing issue and got her taken care of, then to the locker room and got her set up.  While she dressed, I went and checked to make sure they had the ordinance card in Spanish so she'd understand.  Close enough :) I walked with her slowly since she had a cane and guided her to the font where they told us to go. The person baptizing her spoke broken Spanish and the person confirming could speak Portuguese. Close enough :) We had her go first, and then I went. I helped put her wet things away so she didn't have to juggle her cane and possibly slip. When she was finally dressed I confirmed the time she needed to be outside and realized I'd misunderstood the time she'd said. We migrated to clothing rental and got her clothes. Then we made our way to the dressing rooms and I explained to the sisters working initiatory that she only spoke Spanish and again, there was a sister that spoke Portuguese. :) Close enough. I check to see if she had time to make a session and it started in 2 minutes...another day :) I went back to her stall and she opened the door and said she thought the shoes might be too small. But I said we could try them and I'd exchange them if need be. She sat down in her changing stall and bent down and put her shoes on. Perfect fit. Not only was she pleasantly surprised, but I held back tears because I felt like the Savior at Peter's feet. I helped her to initiatory and they were ready and waiting for her, once again accommodating with no appointment. I explained it was too short of time to do a session after but she could go to the Celestial room after and bid her goodbye. 

 I still only know her as Hermana Gonzalez, but I walked out on a high. I not only got to perform work for my family but I was needed to help someone else. The Lord used my timing to meet His needs. And then the air port :)

I picked up Tommy and may or may not have broken the sound barrier to get to the air port before the elder arrived, but Tommy and I made it with 10 minutes to spare. He walked through the gate with 3 other missionaries and the wing of the air port terminal erupted with applause and hugs. I got to record on Kirsten's phone, while holding Tommy, and see the hugs, and help take pictures. I told Tommy is he chose to serve a mission one day this is what it'd be like for him. I seemed ok with that that. Their RM son hugged family member after family member and then got to me and looked happy but confused like "I'm sorry I don't remember you, should I?" I explained poorly he didn't know me and not to worry. A simple "I'm in your ward, I'm Dana Sevy, welcome home" would have probably sufficed, but oh well :D

 I left the airport in much less of a hurry but still on a high. It was a good day :)

The Lord uses our timing to make His ends meet. So slow down, and just go with it. :D

Friday, May 26, 2023

"I have CONfidENCE in Me!"

When Maria was assigned to the Von Trapp family, she was not confident in her ability to govern seven children. But she sang up her gumption in the now famous song from Sound of Music. She was clearly nervous when she met the captain but still showed confidence.

 It dawned on me tonight, as a culminating thought after some recent encounters I've had across the spectrum, that confidence is attractive, while insecurity is something we avoid. I'm not talking about pomp. No one likes Gilderoy Lockhart, but everyone loves Dumbledore or Tonks, and the students were wild for Lupin. No one gave a lick for Quirrell though..because he portrayed no confidence...although it was a cover...but that's besides the point.

When we show confidence in ourselves, it's inspiring. We want a confident doctor when we're in need of a diagnosis. We want a confident teacher when we're learning. We love a confident performer. We pay big money to appreciate confidence!

I thought even further that it's a sign of gratitude to our Heavenly Father when we're confident in what He's helped us to create in ourselves. And we are ever grateful for the Savior who showed confidence when before this life said, "Here I Am, send Me." Can you imagine how that scene could have played out differently if Satan was the only one who showed confidence? We would literally we be doomed. But Christ wasn't just wishful in His confidence. He knew who He was, and from Whom He came, and what He was capable of.

Our society would have you believe, and perhaps even our culture in the Latter Day Saints, seems to think that we're not supposed to be proud. So we swing the other direction and self-deprecate.  What good does that do anyone? We can't accept a compliment on an outfit that we purposefully tried to put forth effort into? As moms we almost glorify that leggings/workout/messy hair look. 

I met with an individual this week for work and though they had an impressive repertoire, they admitted they were very insecure, and sadly it showed. But I also daily see another individual that is the most confident parent, confident in their work, in their hobbies, and their calling. And that individual is inspiring to be around and everyone wants to be better because of their influence. And people know they can turn to them for help.

I had an experience last week with face painting that took my confidence from sky high to ground zero, and it had nothing to do with my abilities, but everything to do with my supplies and lack of preparation, which I knew were easily remedied. Funny thing was I went back to the park gigs the next day and everyone said what they always do, "Wow, this set-up is genius. You're so awesome to charge people what they think is fair. Oh you're quick! How cute are these designs!" And the tips put my confidence back where it belongs. But I need to have that confidence always because I know what I do, I'm good at, and it brings joy to people.

So I prayed to Heavenly Father on a drive home tonight to be more confident. And He answered by reminding me that if I have confidence in Christ, then confidence in myself will flow naturally. And He's constantly trying to instill confidence in us through modern prophets. We are beloved children of God with limitless potential, and yet we often fight that notion, like it's noble to do so.

I have some close contacts in my life that are constantly putting themselves down, and to be frank, it's a bit depressing to talk to them. On the other hand, I see confident posts from Colorado friends that are motivational speaker and chiropractor by trade, and though I know they both have some depressing stuff in their life right now, they exude confidence!

So my challenge to me and anyone else reading this, is exude confidence. Start by recognizing the things you are great at. Personally thank God for those things, and help the world be happier. Change your thoughts and you'll change your life. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Cravings Bistro


Cravings Bistro–Ritzy Grilled Cheese Goodness

By Dana Sevy

Cravings Bistro is a combination of rustic barn decor meets hipster, with plenty of space for seating. Located across the street from Ugly’s Closet Thrift shop in downtown Pleasant Grove, their menu has everything from classic grilled cheese to ritzy creations for reasonable prices. 

I was recommended the “sampler” which is actually a “secret” menu item. It’s a finger sandwich of each of their “classics” menu. 

Disclaimer: I’m not a huge grilled cheese fan because it doesn’t fill me up. Short back story: when I was in Europe I wouldn’t try a lot of the food they’re famous for because I thought, “I can make pasta at home, so I don’t want to pay for it.” This left me very hungry in Europe. I felt the same way about paying for an out-to-eat grilled cheese. I’m glad I tried it anyway! 

Here are my favorites from “The Sampler.” The ABC: it stands for Apple, bacon, and cheddar. Sweet and salty combined for a great crunch. I could eat a whole one of those! 

The Gourmet is next. It’s definitely fancy Grilled cheese meets artichoke spinach dip, one of my favorite appetizers. A whole one of these too, please!

The Tomato Pesto is nice and light and full of flavor. I loved the cute little tomato soup that they give you for dipping on the side. It was not your average Campbell’s tomato canned soup. 

I think the combination that surprised me the most was their Swiss Days: ham, pickle, and caramelized onion mayo. It was delish! 

Keep in mind this was just the sampler. They have a plethora of other yummy sounding menu items, but I’m just one gal who’s got to maintain her girlish figure.

Cravings draws people from all over the valley with its cheesy goodness. As I was waiting for my order I got to speak with a few customers. Katera Barlow of Saratoga Springs says,” It’s my favorite place to go. I can’t get enough of the pepperoni melt. You have to be patient because it takes a while, but it’s so worth it.”