Monday, April 1, 2024

It's been almost a month

 It was a crazy month since baby uber's final ride. And the ride after was probably just as wild. 

I came home and slept a lot. I also had a headache that I felt like a crown and I couldn't really move my neck much. My blood pressure though was the source of crazy times. There were times where my bp was 180/100 or something ridiculous. They always throw those numbers at you and most like me have no idea what they mean. Well...those numbers usually mean a seizure or a stroke. (Part of me wonders if I did have a very slight stroke at some point that wasn't physically obvious because in hind sight, I was reading to me kids early on in the healing process and I couldn't remember what I just read to them. And finishing sentences was a real challenge for the first weeks or two after recovery....poor Thomas haha. He already hears the same story 80 times. I just attributed it to left over pregger brain.Anyway..

 I was monitoring my blood pressure from home and Ana told me to go to the ER if the numbers got above 160/90. That happened the Tuesday, week following. I felt fine but went in. They iv'd me and gave me a shot of labetalol which is what Ana asked if they'd given me. But at one point my bp hit the really high numbers and......nothing...after an hour of them trying to get me transferred to L & D for an overnight observation stay, they kind of figured it out.

After staying the night, the dr finally came to see me and said he wanted me to stay another day or 2. On the inside I about lost my mind. Ana convinced him to send me home for monitoring cuz my bp would never calm down under the amount of frustration I had.

So I went home for observation and to calm down. Another observation Ana made was how skinny I looked. I hadn't thought about it but when they weighed me at my follow up appt with the dr (at which he said my bp was great! I think he changed his tune lol.) I was 136 lbs....for perspective, I went in to be induced at 170 lbs. 35 lbs lighter in a week, people!!! Needless to say, the surrogacy/diuretics plan has nothing on Jenny Craig. The nurse told me to stop taking those immediately or I'd disappear lol.

So I stopped Oxycodone and did acetometophine. I took a chunk of a caffeine pill and my headache went away. I was on a steroid for inflammation. I was on labetalol for at least 10 days. Needless to say I probably appeared to be a crack addict to the average Joe lol.

The weirdest part is my stomach, though it's healing feels fake to the touch, and almost numb still.

My blood pressure has been good for at least 10+ days which is a relief. I don't tire nearly as easily and my stomach doesn't feel sore after lots of walking anymore. I still can't bounce or jump much without discomfort. 

I've been asked several times if it was worth it. Yes. No one gets through this life unscathed and I was able to help a family grow in a super cool, let's get real..miraculous way. I was a living organ donor. Most people have to die before they "see" the fruits of their labor. I see mine daily of FB, and she's adorable. And the potential she has will make it worth it over again. On the other hand, people tell me "What a gift you have given. You're amazing!" While I know it's true, I'm always left without words. 

Would I do it again? Yes. Will I? ...after the csec experience...probably not, but like my friend Xenna says, "It's been a great journey. If I die today, I haven't been cheated."

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