Sunday, April 7, 2024

Now I know the difference

 When I graduated to the Ob's office at 10 weeks it was very exciting for the intended parents because they'd never been to the OB before for baby appointments because their first child was during covid and in another state. I was glad to be done with the fertility center because it meant progress, though I love my second coordinator.

10 1/2 weeks hit and I started bleeding randomly with no pain, but lots of it. I called my angel L&D nurse Ana and she was bummed with me when I told her I thought I was miscarrying and had passed the baby, but very surprised because there wasn't pain. I went to the OB and they somberly saw me. I handed the OB what I passed and he said he would check it out in the lab. We went to the ultrasound and he told me, "Um, baby is right there..." with a big smile. I was SHOCKED. Out loud I asked what the heck did I just pass then if not the baby. He told me a blood clot and that I had placenta previa, which I knew was a possibility and very dangerous for baby and carrier, but I didn't know it was a thing this early on. The placenta was right over the cervix and I was passing blood clots because of it. It didn't hurt and there was no cramping, so that indicated I wasn't miscarrying.He told me there was no substantial evidence that bed rest would help it, but to take it easy anyway. We'd check on it at the next appointment in 12 weeks. 

Happy ending was bleeding stopped a day or two later and didn't pick up again.

I really didn't want to tell the intended parents because the baby was fine and so was I and I didn't want to worry them. I told them because Dr. said it was their right to know. They were grateful but worried a bit anyway. Who could blame them.

The midwife we had at week 12 was interesting. She came in to the ultrasound and said everything looked great! When I asked her to check the placenta placement she said she wasn't qualified to read that information on an ultrasound. (Umm, that's the whole point of this appointment!!) So I kindly asked the front desk when they led us out at the end if we could meet with someone who WAS qualified. We met with the Dr. and he said it would work itself out and it did. 

The next time I met with her I asked that I wasn't allowed to have eggnog because of the raw egg. She pulled out her phone and asked Siri....I about lost my mind. A professional would have know the answer to such a simple question concerning pregnancy, and she asked Siri in front of me.

Previously the OB had pulled out his medical version of google because I had weird the weird chest pain again a few weeks prior and I was ok with that, but I can ask Siri. Doesn't mean I trust it though. Common!

The midwife told me she'd delivered lots of babies, and all I or the intended parents could think was, you're not coming near this one...

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